Intensive programs for groups
University of Agriculture in Krakow
The Best by NatURe!
Our University offer a wide choice of courses and programmes conducted in English or Polish, and is open to many individuals or organisations in the frame of short courses and training programmes. Note that fees may be applicable.
Are you interesting in a training for groups?
Contact with a faculty coordinator, supervisor or lecturer Link to coordinators section of your interest and send your relevant topic proposal, you can also check the UAK course catalogue Link to to find the subjects related to your interest.
Once the University receives and evaluates your proposal, a confirmation email will be sent to you with information regarding fees, dates and complementary documents, as well as the steps to prepare the training agreement.
The International Relations Office is only in charge of your administrative process and registration. Please refer to the academic coordinator for ALL academic questions (Courses, Syllabus, Schedules, number of credits, exams if needed)
For detailed information please contact with
For important information regarding to the travel preparation please visit to practical matters