
International mobility for study

1. Check the Bilateral agreement

If you are interested in mobility for study, between both, your home university and the UAK may be a bilateral agreement in the field you wish to study in Krakow, so be sure to contact your International relation Office or home university coordinator to confirm that you can start your application.

Note that in case  of non-bilateral agreement with your home university, fees may be applicable as a visiting student, trainer or researcher.


2. Nomination by home university

Remember the nomination HAS TO BE SUBMITTED BY YOUR HOME UNIVERSITY by mail, confirming us that you have been granted the status of mobility student. The mail should contain the follow information:

Home University Information

Institutional Code (if applicable):
Coordinator /Contact Person:


Student Personal Information
Date of Birth:


Academic Information
Student Institutional mail:
Field of Education:
Study programme:
Study Level (Bachelor/ Master):
Study period mobility (winter/ summer/ full academic year):


3. UAK Confirmation

Your nomination is confirmed when you receive an email from the UAK University, there are usually sent AFTER 2 weeks the nomination was receive. At confirmation you will receive also the instruction for register in our IRK system, deadlines and contacts details.


4. Submit an enrolment application in IRK

You will have to complete our application form at IRK system #Link# and upload your documents:

Note:  The learning agreement must be signed by the student, the home university and contain the stamp of the institution.


We kindly recommend you to before start the submission, please read carefully the instructions #Link/ International mobility for studies- enrolment application in IRK -Learning agreement#

After enrolment, you should wait for the verification and acceptance process, this take usually a month.


5. UAK Acceptation

Welcome to UAK, now you are ready to start your abroad experience. In your e-mail you will receive your acceptance letter and important information regarding your mobility.
Let’s to prepare your travel, you can check the important information before your travel in practical matters
The information about the welcome week and schedules will be sent a month before the academic semester start. You can also find our welcome week and events agenda in to calendar


Learning Agreement for studies

The purpose of the Learning Agreement is to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the study period abroad and to ensure that the student will receive recognition in his/her degree for the educational components successfully completed abroad.

In order to arrange your Learning Agreement for Studies, you should find our offer.
Check the UAK course catalogue #Link to https://erasmus.urk.edu.pl/index/site/7363# to find the subjects you are interested in.  Make sure that the course you selected is offered for the semester you have your mobility (winter/summer). Remember you can also contact with a faculty coordinator #Link to coordinators # to get extra information regarding the course, schedule and the syllabus.
Please read carefully before filling in your Learning Agreement, complete the correct contact details of your university and put the appropriate # Link to coordinator # at the UAK University.Is important that the learning Agreement be approved by all three parties (student, home Institution, and UAK) before the start of the mobility, so, remember the learning agreement must be signed by the student, the home university and contain the stamp of the institution before submitted in the IRK system Upon your arrival in Kraków, you may introduce changes to your LA. Changes should be made within the first 30 days of your arrival. Students should discuss their planned changes with their home coordinator and with the coordinator at our university. The International Relations Office is only in charge of your administrative process and registration. Please refer to your academic coordinator for ALL academic questions (Courses, Syllabus, Schedules, number of credits, exams)


Deadline for Mobility for studies


Full Academic year: 30 May
Winter semester: 30 May
Summer semester: 30 November



Full Academic year: 30 June
Winter semester: 30 June
Summer semester: 31 December

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